FIU Services Deliverables

We have the tools and resources. Managed appropriately we effectively monitor with impact assessments in place


Wander Around in our Detailed Global Interactive Research into Criminal, financial and ideological relationships visualized - Non-linear - visualizes networks of knowledge like you've never seen before - AML KYC FIU - Business Solutions - Analysis - FIU Services - Innovative Technology
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- Setting up a Proceeds Of Crime Agency (POC).

- Trainings and training programmes on Assets Tracing and Recovery, assets management and prosecutions under the law.

- A proceeds of crime unit within the chambers of the Attorney-General (The law allows that). Or an independent crime unit by (international) federal law.

- Trainings and capacity building for the proceeds of crime law and agency.

- Develop training on specific subjects.

- Assistance when off-shore funds of suspects are disclosed

Developing countries and the reforms

Developing countries and the reforms 2019

A fragile institutional environment can lead to heightened corruption:

• This can enable and lead to increasing corruption
• Which in turn can enable money laundering through illicit cash flows
• Which then divert and starve funds of developing economies that are already cash poor and suffer from capital-starvation.

The true cost of money laundering

AML Intelligence Briefing

The amount of money that is laundered annually is of truly colossal proportions. ML poses an existential threat to all countries. It warrants and demands thorough oversight and a transnational prevention strategy. The UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) calculated recently, “hundreds of billions of pounds are laundered through UK banks each year.”

Money Laundering Centre

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